Monday, June 22, 2009

goldiebox rocked the roxy. and all of your boxies!

so not sure if we properly filled youse ins on the happenings of our first (of many!) LA shows. and did we have some serious funfunfun!

we played our first westcoastshow at the good hurt in venice/marina del rey. we had a glooorious time, opening for a god damn guns and roses tribute band, CHINESE DEMOCRACY. it was most excellent. seriously. how very LA of us! and how very ridiculous and amazing. and they were pretty solid i must say. lordy lord.

t'was a nice warm-up for our big roxy show the next night. we had to scramble ramble for practice spaces and equipment before the shows. but luckily we have some pretty solid friends out there. our friend steve (squeve!) lent us his insanely amazing house in the valley to practice in their music room. i have videos from the palace that will upload as soon as i get the flip flixed :( but it looks like we made quite a fan. meet lily, the cutest little peanut and our youngest fan to date!

Goldieboxinn' Lily

so the roxy show was so rebotardedly fun. it was packed to the gills! the bands we played with were so amazing. check them out: THRASHER and DICKSON. totally amazing and excellent photos coming soon too. promise. i can't remember having that much fun in a really long time. thanks to all y'all that came out. we love you so much. :)

so after the festivities we held our OFFICIAL AFTER PARTY at the one. the only. CHATEAU MARMONT! holler!! no, no lindsay lohan sightings. bummer, i know. but we rocked it sans-lohan! we represented with erica and tronstein and met many a skeevy rich man. it was glorious and everything i could have ever hoped for.

oh LA how we miss you. how we can't wait to come back and goldie all your boxes. but i have a sneaky l'il suspicion we'll back soooo super soon.

ttyl bitches!
xo, the box.

tracking sesh numero un.

the album is well on it's way, thankyouverymuch. ughn!! na na na na! and the cutest engineer that ever lived made this video for us:

just a lil' preview of what is to come.

love you.

Monday, June 15, 2009

goldiebox represent, represent!

we came, we sang, we fucked shit up!

we rocked the piss out of the studio. videos coming soon thanks to our lovely produders/engineers jared and ben who were armed and ready with the flip camera. thanks also to jimmy for the use of his fabu-delish studio spot. we can now officially chiggity-check two killer songs off the list. they sounds siiiiiiiiick. and boy oh boy! we can't wait to spread THE BOX all over your bodies. ah!